New Processor Architecture Visc Is 40% Faster Than Intel’s Haswell

Sunday, March 29, 2015

According to the experts who repeatedly declared that the processor productivity is not growing in the way that they expected and to look at the past years, the only possible raise clock speed is 500MHz. There are still hopes and dreams of achieving 10GHz. Now, this is some good idea, but it is far from being completed in the processor architecture development, but it is not impossible, we just need someone with a good understanding and who can implement this dream.

New processor architecture Visc is 40% faster than Intel’s Haswell

However, some are still trying to fight for every Megahertz, while others are looking for new ways to increase the productivity level of processors. That is done by two former Intel engineers who retired from the company in 2006 and in 2008 created a company named as Soft Machines, working on the new processor architecture.

Developers officially showcase the Virtual Instruction Set Computing (VISC) architecture at the Linley Processor Conference on Thursday and also showed a 32-bit processor build on Visc architecture as a prototype for test results. If you believe in real internal tests, then you will definitely be shocked by it’s performance, even candy is in the pilot stage of the project, but Visca architecture processor is 40% faster than the 64-bit Intel Haswell.

The technology prototype that Soft Machines will show will boot Linux, a UEFI BIOS, and run benchmarks on Linux, the company said. It will also boot the “Ice Cream Sandwich” flavor of Android, Android 4.0. Eventually, the company said, it hopes to build a system-on-a-chip with a 3D core, video, and a DRAM controller.

The Visc architecture working principle is quite simple. The VISC architecture is based on the concept of “virtual cores” and “virtual hardware threads.” The Single-flow program is split into virtual cores are directed to virtual computing clusters. All this makes the hardware Visc planner, so delays promised are really minimized. In short, it can take more than one dedicated CPU core and use it to process a single task.

That’s a break from traditional programming, which has traditionally taken a single chip—and later, a single core—and fed it a serial “thread” of instructions, as quickly and as simply as possible. With the addition of multiple cores and chips, those instructions have been issued in parallel, with the hope that the instruction tasks would be completed at about the same time. As compilers and other programming techniques improve, those instructions will be more equally divided over the available cores. But unoptimized code tends to focus on a single core. VISC would automatically diffuse that load onto other cores.

It is important that the Soft Machines representatives promises full compatibility with modern software. Of course, this condition is necessary in order to run the program codes and the VISC is itself able to recognize and exploit their potential.

Investors are already assessed the company’s operations. The project is financially supported by giants such as Samsung, GlobalFoundries, AMD and personally train high-level Intel managers. According to them, they will come up within a 3 years. Well, time will tell whether or not Soft Machines succeeds.

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