Batman: Arkham Knight – New Screenshots Released

Friday, March 27, 2015

The Russian magazine Console Life has released some new images of Batman: Arkham Knight, showing the superhero of Gotham City, Arkham Knight confronts the villain in several of them.

The screenshots are scanned from the magazine, but still you can see the incredible detail that has made by Rocksteady (who had developed Asylum, Arkham City and Arkham Origin with Unreal Engine 3.
Batman Arkham Knight will be obviously be bigger than Arkham city actually 5 times bigger than Batman Arkham city. Previously, when Guy Perkins, who is the marketing director spoke to IGN and said many things (by many I mean so much). They want to make Batman Arkham Knight the “ultimate batman simulator“. The game has evolved very much from Arkham Asylum to Arkham Origins now Arkham knight is the last one. Here what Guy Perkins said:

I think we’ve always taken pride in the stories we tell,” he explained. “We try to create that very cinematic story-telling experience through the game. Obviously Asylum was the starting point for that, but the intimate cat-and-mouse gameplay between the Joker and Batman really demanded it took place in the pressure cooker of the Asylum.
Batman: Arkham Knight is the final chapter in the saga of Batman Arkham series and is dated for June 2 this year.

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