With over 80,000 players involved, from October 2011, fans will finally get their hands on the most technically advanced, more beautiful, more intense and more authentic racing game worldwide. The game has been tested, guidance which endorsed every step of the long way both by players and professionals of racing. Project CARS will be available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC on March 20, 2015 and will feature the following characteristics:
- A variety of forms of Motorsport, motor culture, all with their respective rules and formats.
- The largest selection and variety of circuits so far available in a game of racing.
- A free career mode that lets you choose your own path with objectives to accomplish, win prizes, sponsorships to get and receive invitations.
- Competitive online mode that includes invitations to participate in races.
- Ability to modify the weather and the time of day.
- Racing weekend that included training sessions, practice round of ratings and format to two runs.
- Pit stops and strategy technical stops with different scenarios and events (e.g. endurance).
- Highly customizable cars.
- Asynchronous game via Driver Network, Time Trial mode with ghost car and community events calendar.
- Save and share your favorite moments with photos and replays.
- Game adaptability and accessibility of content. Adjust the game to your skills and level you like.
- Playable in cinematic resolution of 12K or a more intimate way with Oculus Rift, Project Morpheus or nVidia Shield.
- Compatible with over 40 different flyers and other peripherals.
- Supports another screen using an app created by the community through the API Project CARS.
Take a look at the new trailer for you to understand why both players and the media are on the lookout for Project CARS.
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